Tallulah Andrews

Assistant Professor
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The Andrews lab is focused on developing novel computational methods and computational pipelines for state-of-the-art genomics technologies, and benchmarking existing tools in order to empower researchers around the world to make the most of their data. We are highly collaborative, with partners working on various biological problems including cancer, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Bio: Dr. Andrews completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford, pioneering the one-variant multi-hit hypothesis for rare developmental disorders. She then went on to do a post-doc at the prestigious Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute developing tools for single-cell RNAseq analysis. She returned to Canada in 2020 to work on the Liver Human Cell Atlas at UHN in Toronto, and joined the Department of Biochemistry at University of Western Ontario in 2022.

Selected Publications:

False signals induced by single-cell imputation

M3Drop: Dropout-based feature selection in single-cell RNAseq

Single-cell vs Single-nucleus RNAseq of human liver

Malaria Cell Atlas