Dr. Shraddha Pai
Ontario Institue for Cancer Research, University of Toronto
Machine Learning and Brain Epigenomes for Precision Medicine

Learning objectives

  • Learn about similarity networks for integrating multi-modal, heterogeneous patient data
  • Learn about netDx, a supervised algorithm and software to classify patients using multi-modal data integration
  • Learn how to use public epigenomic databases to interpret tissue-specific non-coding biomarkers in disease studies

Speaker bio:

The Pai laboratory’s goal is to bring genomics and epigenetics to the clinic. The lab studies pediatric and adult brain cancers, and disorders of neurodevelopmental origins. Dr. Pai’s background is in disease genomics, neuroscience, and computational/systems biology. She received her B.Math. in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. She received her PhD from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York, where she combined experimental and analytic approaches to study short-term memory in rats. Her post-doctoral work at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and Donnelly Centre, involved genomic analysis to identify DNA methylation-based biomarkers in major psychosis, and machine learning algorithm development for precision medicine. Dr. Pai is a recipient of a NARSAD Young Investigator Award and the Donnelly Centre Research Excellence Award.