
donkirkby, ArtPoon', emartin-cfe', rng64', dfornika' 2016

MiCall Lite

MiCall Lite is a fork of MiCall, which is a bioinformatic pipeline for mapping FASTQ data to a set of reference sequences to generate consensus sequences, variant calls and coverage maps. The purpose of MiCall Lite is to provide the core functionality of MiCall in a portable, lightweight version that is easy to install and use.

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. How it works
  4. Outputs
  5. Customizing projects


To run Micall-Lite, you need the following:

With these prerequisites in place, you should be able to compile the sources (including some C code) and install MiCall-Lite into your default Python directory with sudo python3 setup.py install. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the INSTALL.md Markdown document.

If you run into any issues trying to install MiCall-Lite, please post an new issue on our issue tracker so we can help!


The most convenient way to run the MiCall-Lite pipeline is through the bin/micall script, which should have been installed at /usr/local/bin:

art@Kestrel:~/git/MiCall-Lite$ micall Example_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz Example_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz 
MiCall-Lite running sample Example_S1_L001_R1_001...
  Preliminary map
  Iterative remap
  Generating alignment file
  Generating count files

These paired-end FASTQ files contain roughly 15,000 (2 x 251 nt) reads. The pipeline required about 30 seconds to process this sample on an Intel i7-8650U processor, with a default 4 threads for bowtie2 processing.

Compressed and uncompressed FASTQs

Note that we ran the pipeline on gzip compressed files, as indicated by the conventional .gz file extension. The FASTQ files compress down to roughly one-eighth of their original size. Being able to process these files without expanding the data on your storage media is useful for conserving space. However, you might want to process the uncompressed files instead. You can do this by running MiCall-Lite with the -u (uncompressed) flag:

art@Kestrel:~/git/MiCall-Lite$ micall -u Example_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq Example_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq 

Unpaired reads

If your sample was processed using single-read (unpaired) sequencing, then you can run the pipeline with just the one positional argument instead of two:

art@Kestrel:~/git/MiCall-Lite$ micall Example_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz
MiCall-Lite running sample Example_S1_L001_R1_001...

Filtering bad tile-cycles

The Illumina platforms produce a set of InterOp files with each run. One of these files, ErrorMetricsOut.bin, contains the empirical sequencing error rates associated with the phiX174 control library that is usually added (“spiked”) into the run. This file contains useful information because the error rates are broken down by tile and cycle, where each cycle corresponds to a specific nucleotide position in every read. In previous work, we have observed that specific tile-cycle combinations can exhibit disproportionately high error rates — as a result, we have developed an optional preliminary step in the MiCall pipeline for parsing this InterOp file and using the error rates to censor base-calls in the FASTQ files affected by bad tile-cycle combinations.

To use this censoring step, you need to have the ErrorMetricsOut.bin file from the PC linked to your Illumina instrument or from your sequencing provider, and then feed this file to the pipeline with the -i flag:

art@Kestrel:~/git/MiCall-Lite$ micall -i ErrorMetricsOut.bin Example_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz Example_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
MiCall-Lite running sample Example_S1_L001_R1_001...
  Censoring bad tile-cycle combos in FASTQ
  Preliminary map
  Iterative remap
  Generating alignment file
  Generating count files

HIV drug resistance prediction (optional)

The HIV-1 pol gene is a frequent target for genetic sequencing because it encodes the primary targets of antiretroviral drug treatment. Drug resistance in HIV-1 is very well characterized and there are several algorithms for predicting this phenotype from a pol sequence.

We provide a local implementation of the Stanford HIVdb Drug Resistance Database algorithm, which is another Python module that can be installed via pip. Here, I am using pip to update the sierralocal package in my Python3 user script directory:

art@orolo:~/git/micall$ pip3 search sierralocal
sierralocal (0.2.1)  - Local execution of HIVdb algorithm
  INSTALLED: 0.2.0
  LATEST:    0.2.1
art@orolo:~/git/micall$ pip3 install sierralocal
Collecting sierralocal
  Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/97/67/7ba0673b545ca6d7340020056ff288a47875faee21b1e67749417d97ef11/sierralocal-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (8.0MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 8.0MB 241kB/s 
Installing collected packages: sierralocal
Successfully installed sierralocal-0.2.1

To demonstrate the use of sierra-local to predict drug resistance levels from next-generation sequence data processed by MiCall-Lite, we’ll use a published NGS data set from a study of integrase-inhibitor treatment failure in Uganda. (To obtain this data set, you’ll need to install NCBI’s sratools, which provides the fasterq-dump file transfer program).

art@orolo:~/git/micall/working$ fasterq-dump SRS5100454
spots read      : 21,633
reads read      : 43,266
reads written   : 43,266
art@orolo:~/git/micall/working$ ls
SRS5100454_1.fastq  SRS5100454_2.fastq

Next, we process these data through the default MiCall-Lite pipeline:

art@orolo:~/git/micall/working$ micall SRS5100454_1.fastq SRS5100454_2.fastq -u
Using /usr/local/bin/bowtie2 version 2.2.8
MiCall-Lite running sample SRS5100454_1...
  Preliminary map
  Iterative remap
  Generating alignment file
  Generating count files

Finally, we use the scoreHIVdb.py Python script in the MiCall-Lite utils directory to call the sierralocal package for applying the Stanford HIVdb algorithm to these data:

art@orolo:~/git/micall/working$ python3 ../micall/utils/scoreHIVdb.py SRS5100454_1.conseq.csv SRS5100454_1.hivdb.tsv
searching path /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sierralocal/data/HIVDB*.xml
searching path /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sierralocal/data/apobec*.tsv
HIVdb version 8.8
Found NucAmino binary /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/sierralocal/bin/nucamino-linux-amd64
Aligned /tmp/tmpxrd3q7ac
art@orolo:~/git/micall/working$ head -n3 SRS5100454_1.hivdb.tsv 
header	BIC	DTG	EVG	RAL	IN.mutations
MAX	0	0	0	0	K14R,V31I,M50R,I60M,I72V,T112V,I113V,T124A,T125A,M154L,D167E,V201I,Y227F,G245A,A248D,V249G,V250F,Q252D,D253N,D256E,A265V
0.010	10	20	20	20	K14R,V31I,M50RM,I60M,I72V,I73MI,T112V,I113V,N117NS,T124A,T125A,M154IML,D167E,G192GV,E198ED,R199RSG,I200ILF,V201IV,A205EA*S,T206TS,D207X,I208IVL,K211KR,L213IL,K215KQ,Q216KQ,T218TISL,I220IL,Q221KQ,N222KN,Y227YF,D229ED,S230RS,D232ED,P233QHP,L234ILV,G237EG,A239EAV,K240KR,L241RL,L242QHL,W243GW

In this output, the header column indicates how nucleotide polymorphisms in the sample read population are interpreted. MAX corresponds to the plurality-rule consensus sequence where every nucleotide is fixed at its most frequent state. 0.010 indicates that any nucleotide polymorphism at a frequency above 1% should be incorporated into the consensus sequences, resulting in a mixture or ambiguous base call. Lowering this frequency threshold increases the number of mutations that are available for resistance scoring, as demonstrated by the longer list of mutations in the second row in this example.

Note that the Sierra pipeline automatically detects which pol gene products are covered in the NGS data. In this example, the reads only span HIV-1 integrase and so only resistance scores associated with integrase inhibitors are reported.

How it works

MiCall maps short read data to reference sequences using bowtie2. Since it was designed for rapidly evolving RNA viruses, this mapping occurs through iterative, adaptive stages:

  1. The preliminary mapping determines the most appropriate “seed” reference sequence for a given sample.
  2. Next, Micall uses an iterative “remapping” method that updates the reference sequence using short reads that successfully mapped to the previous reference, essentially evolving the reference sequence towards the ideal reference for that sample. This iterative stage proceeds until there are no additional reads from the original FASTQ files mapped to the current reference.
  3. MiCall merges the mapped paired-end reads, using a rules-based algorithm to reconcile discordant base-calls in overlapping regions, inserts gaps where there are deletions relative to the reference sequence, and gathers identical sequences in a compact output format.
  4. Finally, it determines which coordinate reference sequences are partially or fully covered by the mapped reads and outputs the nucleotide and amino acid sequences for the sample using this coordinate system. Any insertions relative to the coordinate reference are written into a separate file by default.

There are several optional output files that can be generated by MiCall-Lite. To make full use of these outputs, you can manually run each Python script or adapt the run-sample.py driver script.


  • *.amino.csv contains the amino acid frequencies at each site relative to the coordinate references that are covered by the sample.
  • *.nuc.csv contains the nucleotide frequencies at each site relative to the coordinate references that are covered by the sample.
  • *.insert.csv contains sequence insertions relative to the coordinate references.
  • *.conseq.csv contains the consensus sequence of the sample with any insertions relative to the coordinate reference removed. The MAX sequence is the plurality consensus sequence. The additional sequences in this file contain mixtures (ambiguous base calls) at sites where a polymorphism exceeds the corresponding minimum frequency. For example, the 10% consensus sequence contains mixtures wherever a polymorphism is present a frequency exceeding 10%.

Customizing projects

MiCall was primarily developed to process Illumina FASTQ files based on samples derived from HIV-1, hepatitis C virus and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genetic material. These targets are determined by the seed and coordinate reference sequences, where the seed is used for the preliminary mapping of short reads, and the coordinate is used to interpret the end results of mapping. Both types of information are stored in a JSON file called projects.json.

This JSON file is normally generated from the CFE laboratory database, but the PoonLab developers are currently working on a Python script that makes it easier to modify this JSON file, as well as a JavaScript-based graphical user interface.